What is honour-based abuse?
Back to news“Honour-based violence is not a cultural tradition; it is a violation of human rights that arises from strict social rules and expectations."
Have you faced threats or experienced abuse when attempting to...?
- Have a relationship or marry someone outside your community
- Separate or divorce
- Talk to certain people
- Have sex before marriage
- Use drugs or Alcohol
- Become pregnant or give birth outside of marriage
- Wear clothes your family or community think are inappropriate
- Disagree with the religion of your family or community
- Challenge what your family or community expect of you
- Access higher education
Honour-based abuse (HBA) encompasses various forms of abuse, including physical violence, emotional, and psychological harm, this is carried out to safeguard or uphold the perceived honour of a family or community. This form of abuse is frequently grounded in culture, social, or religious beliefs regarding family honour and predominantly impacts individuals, especially women and girls, who are viewed as source of shame or dishonour to their family.