Image created by Empower Kids Team hosted by Barnardos
Resources for children & young people
Children should be recognised as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. Witnessing or hearing abuse is as damaging as being the primary victim. Sadly, some children are targeted with abuse or can get caught in the crossfire between adults.
This plan aims to help children feel safer in a home where there is domestic abuse. This plan should be completed by the child with a trusted adult. The adult should carefully consider the guide for safety planning before completing the plan with the child.
These are two great You Tube videos to help older and younger children understand and deal with anxiety. The first is for older children, the second for younger ones.
The following are a range of resources, developed by our Children & Young People's Worker. They aim to encourage children & young people to think and talk about their whole range of feelings and find positive ways of coping with them. There are also some resources that enable and encourage children to think about their personal safety and what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships. Adults should be present when discussing the topics and each resource should be checked for appropriateness for the particular.
Primary Age

Anger Volcano
Download File

Coping Cards
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How are you feeling today?
Download File

How should families treat each other?
Download File

Relaxation Stations
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People who can help us. KS1
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How to keep safe if.... KS2
Download File

Self care for kids
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Secrets & Surprises
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Tell me about your day
Download File

Who has responsibility?
Download File
Below is a list of websites that provide useful information for children and young people around domestic abuse, mental health, relationship issues, bullying, substance use and anger. The links in the document are clickable and will take you directly to the site.